Alliance Partners with School of Social Ecology to Host The Latino Century Book Discussion

Home » October 2024 Newsletter » Alliance Partners with School of Social Ecology to Host The Latino Century Book Discussion

The UCI-OC Alliance partnered with the UCI School of Social Ecology on an event with Mike Madrid, Senior Fellow in Social Ecology, where he shared his new book, The Latino Century, and insights from his podcast Red County, Blue County, Orange County, which covers the transformation of Orange County from a sleepy homogenous county to the vibrant, diverse “OC” that is known across the nation today. The podcast features a collection of current and former politicians, journalists, political operatives and authors, showcasing the stories that have made Orange County “purple.”

Attendees received a signed book while engaging in thought-provoking discussions and a question and answer session. UCI-OC Alliance members and community leaders made connections while delving into the significant role Latinos and Latinas play in American politics and democracy. We hope you can join us at the next one!

Mike Madrid's book signing