UCI-OC Alliance members in front of a sign that says "Let's be brilliant together!"

UCI-OC Alliance Members

The UCI-OC Alliance is comprised of business community leaders associated with various industries and professional and community organizations. It is through these diverse and wide-ranging connections in banking and finance, biotech, policy and government, education, healthcare, the arts, business and law sectors among others that help to shape and drive our strategic focus and mission forward.

Alliance members serve as ambassadors for UC Irvine Latino/a initiatives and programs, raising awareness and expanding engagement throughout Orange County and beyond. UCI-OC Alliance Campus Liaisons and Alliance members meet on a regular basis, and UCI-OC Alliance members are encouraged to share insights about enriching the campus Latino/a priorities, programs and events. Eligibility for membership is based on both a commitment to fortifying relations between the university and the community and potential contributions to campus priorities.

The UCI-OC Alliance Campus Liaisons are university leaders who provide vital connection to the programs at UC Irvine. With their professional experience, they ensure that the alliance is effective and stays aligned with university priorities.

UCI-OC Alliance Members

Monica Alfaro Welling
Monica Alfaro Welling
Co-founder & Managing Director
Atheln, Inc.
John Amador

John Amador

Vice President & Senior Risk Manager
US Bank
Joel Ayala

Joel Ayala

Chief of Staff
County of Los Angeles Department of Consumer & Business Affairs
Pamina Barkow

Pamina Barkow

'03, MBA '16
PI Medical Partners
Roberto Basualdo

Roberto Basualdo

Digital Assurance and Transparency Director
Juan Carlos Calcagno, Ph.D
Juan Carlos Calcagno, Ph.D
Managing Director
Daniel Campos
Daniel Campos
CEO and Founder
London Consulting Group USA West
David Chavez
David Chavez
Senior Vice President & Senior Private Banking Advisor
Comerica Bank
Monique Daviss
Monique Daviss
Executive Director
El Sol Science & Arts Academy
Alex Esparza
Alex Esparza
Community Leader
Jason Fernandez
Jason Fernandez
Vice President, Financial Reporting and Accounting Policy
Pacific Life Insurance Company
Fred Flores
Fred Flores
President & CEO
Reuben Franco

Reuben Franco

President & CEO
Orange County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Don Garcia

Don Garcia

Founder and President
Pinnacle Consulting Group
Juan Garcia
Juan Garcia
Northgate Market
Evelyn Gonzalez
Evelyn Gonzalez
Director, Associate Engagement & Wellbeing
Northgate Markets
Monica Guillena
Monica Guillena, MSW
Community Leader
Arnold Gutierrez
Arnold Gutierrez, Ph.D.
Technical Consultant
Fast Track CMC Consulting
Sara Lopez
Sarah López, M.D., MBA
Population Health Management Medical Consultant
California DHCS
Susie López-Guerra, Ed.D.
Susie López-Guerra, Ed.D.
California State Director
National Center on Education and the Economy
Ivan Lugo Cardona
Iván Lugo Cardona
Vice President of Global Quality
Advanced Patient Monitoring, Becton, Dickson and Company
Ernest Miranda
Ernest Miranda
Community Leader
Luis Morales
Luis Morales
Senior Vice President Corporate Development
Merlin Acquisitions Corp.
J Fernando Niebla
J Fernando Niebla
Managing Partner
International Technology Partners
Roger Nieves
Roger Nieves
Managing Director (Retired)
Juan Ortega
Juan Ortega, MBA
Chief Investment Officer
Family Office
Eloy Oakley
Eloy Ortiz Oakley
'96, MBA '99
College Futures Foundation
Ingrid Otero-Smart
Ingrid Otero-Smart
President & CEO
Jacqueline Patterson
Jacqueline Patterson
Co-founder & Vice President
Zephyr Rail
Andy Paz
Andy Paz
Business Consultant
Adalberto Quijada
J. Adalberto Quijada
Director, Orange County/Inland Empire
U.S. Small Business Administration
Brandon Ramirez
Brandon Ramirez
Director of Corporate Social Responsibility and External Relations
Hyundai Motor America
Diana Ramos
Diana Ramos, M.D., MPH, MBA
California Surgeon General
Peter Rodriguez
Peter Rodriguez
Deloitte & Touche LLP
Christina Roman
Christina Roman
Consumer Education and Advocacy Manager
Javier Romo
Javier Romo
Executive Vice President, Portfolio Manager, Emerging Market
Teresa Saldivar
Teresa Saldivar
Teresa's Jewelers
Ruben Smith
Ruben Smith
Orange County Partner-in-Charge
Frost Brown Todd LLP
Marilyn Sutton, Ph.D.
Marilyn Sutton, Ph.D.
UCI Foundation
Honorable Yolanda Torres
Hon. Yolanda Torres
Orange County Superior Court
John Tracy
John Tracy, Ph.D.
Retired Chief Technology Officer & Senior Vice President for Engineering, Operations, and Technology
Ernesto Vasquez
Ernesto Vasquez
Partner & Chief Executive Officer
SVA Architects
Gaddi Vasquez
Hon. Gaddi Vasquez
Trustee - UCI Foundation
Ambassador (Retired) - U.S. State Dept.
UCI-OC Alliance logo
Socorro Vasquez
Community Volunteer
Pat Velasquez
Pat Velasquez
Lupat Corporation DBA Advance Realty and Continental Financial Services
Juan Carlos Velez
Juan Carlos Velez
Vice President of Manufacturing
Edwards Lifesciences
UCI-OC Alliance logo
Peter Villegas
Dean Yoost
Dean Yoost
UCI Foundation
Oscar Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez
(Ex. Officio)
Northgate Gonzalez Market

UCI-OC Alliance Campus Liaisons

Special Advisor:

Frances E. Contreras, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor
School of Education

Alliance Staff Leadership:

Stephanie Reyes-Tuccio, Ph.D.
Vice Provost
Office of Educational and Community Partnerships

Maria Cervantes
Executive Director

Campus Liasons

  • Elsa Bugarini Yocca
    Alumni Relations Manager
    UCI Alumni Relations
  • Belinda Campos, Ph.D.
    Professor, Chicano/Latino Studies, PRIME-LC, and Psychological Science
  • Kara Correa
    Executive Director, Scholarship Programs
    University Advancement
  • adelí durón
    Director, Latinx Resource Center
  • Edgar J. Dormitorio '97
    Chief of Staff and Assistant Vice Chancellor
    Student Affairs
  • Goran Matijasevic, Ph.D.
    Executive Director
    UCI Chief Exective Roundtable
  • Jose Mayorga, M.D.
    Executive Director, Executive Medical Director, Family Health Center, FQHC
  • Neda Moayedi
    SAGE Scholars
  • Andrea Mora
    Director, Basic Needs Center
  • Alessandra Pantano, Ph.D.
    Professor of Teaching
  • Leigh Poirier
    Director of Strategic Services and Operations
    Divion of Career Pathways
  • Maritza Salazar-Campo, Ph.D.
    Assistant Professor, Organization and Management
    Paul Merage School of Business
  • Alberto P. Sandoval
    Assistant Vice Chancellor
    Community and Government Relations
  • Burt Alvaro Slusher
    Assistant Dean, MBA and Specialty Masters Program
    Paul Merage School of Business
  • Jennifer Smith
    Executive Director of Development, Provost Initiatives
    University Advancement and Alumni Relations
  • Charles Vega, M.D.
    Clinical Professor
    Family Medicine

Corporate Supporters

Corporate Directors Roundtable of Orange County Logo
Edwards Lifesciences Foundation logo
Monster Energy Cares logo
Pacific Life Foundation
Deloitte Foundation
Southern California Edison
Kia Motors of America

Interested in becoming a supporter or corporate partner? Contact Maria Cervantes, executive director, at maria.cervantes@uci.eduor 949-824-8381.